Too Good To Go - Metro ($7 for $36.83 worth of Fruit & Salad!)

This was our first Fruit & Salad bag from Metro. This was at their Yonge & College location. Produce bags can be very hit or miss so we were initially hesitant but were pleasantly surprised with what we received! We paid $6.99 for $63.97 worth of cakes!

Too Good To Go is a mobile application that connects customers to restaurants and stores that have surplus unsold food. Metro is a large grocery chain with over 325 locations across Canada. Lets explore our haul!

Mixed Berry Greek Yogurt Parfait with Almonds - $4.29 * 3 = $12.87
Pumpkin Pie Jar - $5.99
Assorted Salads - $5.99 each * 3 = $17.97
Total = $36.83

What a great bag! The best before date of each the items was the day of pickup. Freshness was there for each of these items - some parts of the salad were starting to slowly turn but it was still very good! The huge winners here were definitely those yogurt parfaits and the delicious pumpkin pie jar. They were delicious desserts and were very filling. Will definitely be getting this bag again in hopes to get something just as good next time!

💰Total: $36.83💰
💸We paid: $6.99💸
🤑That is a $29.84 savings!🤑
